Our Philosophy & Background
As with people, dogs benefit from spending time in natural outdoor environments.
We have merged our service philosophy as Park Rangers and our passion for dogs. There is an experienced vet technician/hospital practice manager along with trained dog professionals that will assure your dog gets the very best personalized experience possible.
Passion for dogs began at an age early for Kim. When she was 8, she set free all the dogs at the local pound as she could not fathom seeing these beautiful souls behind bars. Consequently, her punishment was to volunteer at the shelter.
This passion fueled the desired to become a volunteer coordinator for one of the local shelters, a certified veterinary technician and later a practice manager at well- known veterinary hospital in New Hampshire. This experience deepened her resolve to help as many animals as possible which sparked a fruitful partnership with Lisa LaFlam and the 501-C3 non-profit organization ‘Long Trail Canine Rescue’. Passion for rescue grew and with the collaboration of the local community in Junquillal, Costa Rica, Kim formed “Hope for a Street Dog’ to reduce suffering of street dogs by providing high quality, high volume spay/neuter clinics in local communities and aiding local dog owners.
Please see our Rescue page to learn how you can get involved.
John, at the age of 4, to the dismay of his parents, took a walk into the forest. Search parties were formed. John was not lost but rather went out exploring with his trusted companion ‘Twinkles’. This taste of adventure, love of the environment, and passion for dogs led him to become a park ranger in Vermont.
After seven years of living at the top of Mt. Philo State Park (AKA Mt. Fido) the culmination of experiences involving rescue, serving a greater purpose, and a passion for dogs, VT Barks & Recreation was created.